Learn from IRIS Fellows
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IRIS Summer 2023 Newsletter
IRIS Fellowship 2022/2023 Graduation

Learning from IRIS Recovery Research Fellows
Fellowship Produces 17 Valuable Studies

After an extensive 10-month learning process, the IRIS Recovery Research Fellowship came to a close on June 20th. As part of their last learning session, Fellows presented their substance use recovery research projects and position paper on peer workforce integration at a community research dissemination and celebratory graduation event at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Much of the Fellows’ research centered on peer recovery and harm reduction services, including around peers’ role in supporting MOUD, the financial value placed on their work, and in various settings including serving women with SUD, recovery re-entry homes, adolescent clubhouses, and university research roles. Training for peer workers was also examined, including comparing peer certification requirements in Maryland to other states. Other topics included emergency room knowledge gaps on emergent drugs, the impact of survivor-led trainings on intimate partner violence for addiction counselors, and the need and desirability of a local syringe exchange program.
Besides sharing Fellows’ study results so they may be used to develop recovery practice, policy, and research, IRIS is sharing tools from our Fellowship model so that they may inform similar professional development initiatives. Please adapt our curriculum outline, program summary, and other tools we will soon share for trainings, learning communities, and fellowships developed by your institution, and contact us for further support.
We congratulate and thank all those who participated in making the Fellowship a success. We could not have done this without the fellows, their supervisors and home institutions, the fellowship advisory board and research coaches, the IRIS leadership committee and staff team, and the community and staff members who served as research participants in Fellows’ studies.
Results from MPAC Study "Peers that Count"
IRIS Funded Project Share Results at CSWE & Community Event
Maryland Peer Advisory Council (MPAC), in collaboration with IRIS academic partners, recently completed, “Peers that Count: A Call to Action - A Peer-Led Peer Recovery Census to Determine Where We Are, What We Contribute, and What We Need.”
Results indicated that ongoing efforts are needed to increase peers’ compensation, reduce stigma, and facilitate upward mobility. Though most peers felt well integrated into the workforce and that they had access to relevant training opportunities, more professional development was called for around technology, leadership development, and assistance with social determinants of health. Peers saw many potential benefits to the new Medicaid reimbursement policy for peer services, like better salaries and greater recognition, but also anticipated challenges like bureaucratic barriers and wage differentials between peers covered and not covered under the policy. There was a call for more information and greater preparation for peers to navigate policy requirements including newly required paperwork.

IRIS salutes MPAC for this important contribution to the knowledge base of the peer workforce! 

Research Corner
Emerging research in the field of OUD treatment and recovery
People with Lived Experience in Research
Write-up by IRIS team members: Sofia Quinn & Victoria Barreira

"Involvement of people with lived experience in research is becoming more widely recognized and valued as an integral aspect of research studies and research-community collaborations. IRIS prioritizes inclusivity and diversity in research and embodies these values through our learning collaborative and recruitment process for new research team members..."

Events, Trainings, Resources & More
From IRIS and Our Network

Hope House Treatment Centers
Got Hope? Semi-Annual Donation Drive-Thru
Jul. 29
11 AM - 2 PM
26 Marbury Drive, Crownsville, MD 21032
Hope House Treatment Center, located in Crownsville and Laurel, is one of the oldest and largest community-based treatment providers in Maryland and like many other residential treatment programs that serve the most vulnerable of its community, it is in desperate need of donations, both monetary and in the items listed on the flier.
The PATIENTS Program
Summer 2023 Roundtable Series
Aug. 2 & 9
1 - 2 PM
The PATIENTS Program is proud to announce the second year of its Summer Roundtable Series! The program is a series of free, virtual roundtable discussions on critical issues in health equity. The 2023 Summer Roundtable Series theme is ASTARISQ: Addressing Systemic and STructurAl Racism to Improve Safety, Quality, and trustworthiness in health delivery systems.
Maryland Treatment Centers
Job Opening: Research Assistant
Interested individuals may email the director of research, Kevin Wenzel, PhD at or apply at this link:

Behavioral Health Leadership Institute (BHLI)
Expansion of Jail Services & Training BPD About Harm Reduction Treatment
BHLI is thrilled to announce that it is initiating two new initiatives. First, BHLI is launching an expansion of services inside the jail it currently offers Behind the Bars by bringing in a BHLI PCARE physician to the release area of the jail to talk with patients ready for release who have either been in treatment inside at the clinic or who are interested in treatment. The physician will do a quick intake to the van program and provide a linkage to the van for continuing scripts. Second, pursuant to its new partnership with BPD-Eastern District, BHLI will be training the BPD at roll call about harm reduction treatment of OUD and about BHLI. Then, when officers on the street encounter an individual who needs treatment, rather than arrest, they will call BHLI to send out a member of the outreach team to connect with the individual and, if appropriate, offer to bring them to the van to enroll in its treatment program and who is interested in medication.
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